
damoqingquan 2008-12-14
Apache Solr是一个基于Java 搜索库Lucene的企业级搜索引擎,带有 XML/HTTP 和JSON 应用

Getting Started
You need a Java 1.5 VM or later installed.
In this release, there is an example Solr server including a bundled
servlet container in the directory named "example".
See the tutorial at


================== Release 1.3.0 ==================

Upgrading from Solr 1.2
IMPORTANT UPGRADE NOTE: In a master/slave configuration, all searchers/slaves
should be upgraded before the master!  If the master were to be updated
first, the older searchers would not be able to read the new index format.

The Porter snowball based stemmers in Lucene were updated (LUCENE-1142),
and are not guaranteed to be backward compatible at the index level
(the stem of certain words may have changed).  Re-indexing is recommended.

Older Apache Solr installations can be upgraded by replacing
the relevant war file with the new version.  No changes to configuration
files should be needed. 
较旧版本的Apache Solr 可以通过替换想换的war文件来实现升级,没有需要对配置文件进行

This version of Solr contains a new version of Lucene implementing
an updated index format.  This version of Solr/Lucene can still read
and update indexes in the older formats, and will convert them to the new
format on the first index change.  Be sure to backup your index before
upgrading in case you need to downgrade.

Solr now recognizes HTTP Request headers related to HTTP Caching (see
RFC 2616 sec13) and will by default respond with "304 Not Modified"
when appropriate.  This should only affect users who access Solr via
an HTTP Cache, or via a Web-browser that has an internal cache, but if
you wish to suppress this behavior an '<httpCaching never304="true"/>'
option can be added to your solrconfig.xml.  See the wiki (or the
example solrconfig.xml) for more details...
Solr目前可以可以识别与HTTP缓存(请参考RFC 2616 sec13)相关的HTTP请求头并默认使用
"304 Not Modified"作为相应。这仅仅对通过HTTP缓存或使用带有内部缓存的Web浏览求
'<httpCaching never304="true"/>'。请参考wiki(或示例中的solrconfig.xml文件)获得更多

In Solr 1.2, DateField did not enforce the canonical representation of
the ISO 8601 format when parsing incoming data, and did not generation
the canonical format when generating dates from "Date Math" strings
(particularly as it pertains to milliseconds ending in trailing zeros)
-- As a result equivalent dates could not always be compared properly.
This problem is corrected in Solr 1.3, but DateField users that might
have been affected by indexing inconsistent formats of equivilent
dates (ie: 1995-12-31T23:59:59Z vs 1995-12-31T23:59:59.000Z) may want
to consider reindexing to correct these inconsistencies.  Users who
depend on some of the the "broken" behavior of DateField in Solr 1.2
(specificly: accepting any input that ends in a 'Z') should consider
using the LegacyDateField class as a possible alternative.  Users that
desire 100% backwards compatibility should consider using the Solr 1.2
version of DateField.
在1.2版本的Solr中,但分析输入的数据时,日期域(DateField)并不遵从ISO 8601

Due to some changes in the lifecycle of TokenFilterFactories, users of
Solr 1.2 who have written Java code which constructs new instances of
StopFilterFactory, SynonymFilterFactory, or EnglishProterFilterFactory
will need to modify their code by adding a line like the following
prior to using the factory object...  
These lifecycle changes do not affect people who use Solr "out of the
box" or who have developed their own TokenFilterFactory plugins. More
info can be found in SOLR-594.

The python client that used to ship with Solr is no longer included in
the distribution (see client/python/README.txt).
由于 TokenFilterFactories生命周期中的一些改变,Solr1.2的用户在写创建
StopFilterFactory, SynonymFilterFactory, or EnglishProterFilterFactory类的
Detailed Change List
New Features
1. SOLR-69: Adding MoreLikeThisHandler to search for similar documents using
    lucene contrib/queries MoreLikeThis.  MoreLikeThis is also available from
    the StandardRequestHandler using ?mlt=true. (bdelacretaz, ryan)
1. SOLR-69:添加了MoreLikeThisHandler来搜索相似的文档(使用lucene contrib/queries MoreLikeThis).
    MoreLikeThis 也可以使用?mlt=true从标准请求处理器(StandardRequestHandler)来实现。

2. SOLR-253: Adding KeepWordFilter and KeepWordFilterFactory.  A TokenFilter
    that keeps tokens with text in the registered keeplist.  This behaves like
    the inverse of StopFilter. (ryan)
2. SOLR-69:添加了KeepWordFilter 和 KeepWordFilterFactory.TokenFilter保留带有注册的

3. SOLR-257: WordDelimiterFilter has a new parameter splitOnCaseChange,
    which can be set to 0 to disable splitting "PowerShot" => "Power" "Shot".
   它可以设置为0使得从"PowerShot" 到"Power" "Shot"的划分无效。
4. SOLR-193: Adding SolrDocument and SolrInputDocument to represent documents
    outside of the lucene Document infrastructure.  This class will be used
    by clients and for processing documents. (ryan) 
4. SOLR-193:添加了Solr文档类(SolrDocumeent)和Solr输入文档类(SolrInputDocument)来代表lucene

5. SOLR-244: Added ModifiableSolrParams - a SolrParams implementation that
    help you change values after initialization. (ryan)
5. SOLR-244: 添加了ModifiableSolrParams -一个SolrParams的实现,它帮助你在初始化之后

6. SOLR-20: Added a java client interface with two implementations.  One
    implementation uses commons httpclient to connect to solr via HTTP.  The
    other connects to solr directly.  Check client/java/solrj.  This addition
    also includes tests that start jetty and test a connection using the full
    HTTP request cycle.  (Darren Erik Vengroff, Will Johnson, ryan)
7. SOLR-20: 添加了一个带有两种实现方式的用户界面,一个实现使用通过HTTPde 通用
    httpclient.另外一个直接连接到Solr。查看 client/java/solrj.该添加同时也包含一个启动jetty和使用

7. SOLR-133: Added StaxUpdateRequestHandler that uses StAX for XML parsing.
    This implementation has much better error checking and lets you configure
    a custom UpdateRequestProcessor that can selectively process update
    requests depending on the request attributes.  This class will likely
    replace XmlUpdateRequestHandler.  (Thorsten Scherler, ryan)
7. SOLR-133: 添加了使用StAX分析XML的StaxUpdateRequestHandler ,这个实现有很多比较好的

8. SOLR-264: Added RandomSortField, a utility field with a random sort order.
    The seed is based on a hash of the field name, so a dynamic field
    of this type is useful for generating different random sequences.
    This field type should only be used for sorting or as a value source
    in a FunctionQuery (ryan, hossman, yonik)
8. SOLR-264:添加了一个随排机序域(RandomSortField ),它是一个带有随机排序功能的域。

9. SOLR-266: Adding show=schema to LukeRequestHandler to show the parsed
    schema fields and field types.  (ryan)
9. SOLR-266: 在LuceRequestHandler中添加了show = schema用来显示已经分析的模式的域和域类型。

10. SOLR-133: The UpdateRequestHandler now accepts multiple delete options
    within a single request.  For example, sending:
     <delete><id>1</id><id>2</id></delete> will delete both 1 and 2. (ryan)
11. SOLR-133: UpdateRequestHandler 接受在一个查询请求中指定多个id进行删除。
    例如:发送<delete><id>1</id><id>2</id></delete> 会删除1和2.

11. SOLR-269: Added UpdateRequestProcessor plugin framework.  This provides
    a reasonable place to process documents after they are parsed and
    before they are committed to the index.  This is a good place for custom
    document manipulation or document based authorization. (yonik, ryan)
11. SOLR-269: 添加了更新请求处理器插件框架。它提供了一个合理的位置来在文件被分析后

12. SOLR-260: Converting to a standard PluginLoader framework.  This reworks
    RequestHandlers, FieldTypes, and QueryResponseWriters to share the same
    base code for loading and initializing plugins.  This adds a new
    configuration option to define the default RequestHandler and
    QueryResponseWriter in XML using default="true".  (ryan)
12. SOLR-260: 改变为一个标志的插件加载框架。这使得RequestHandlers, FieldTypes,
    和QueryResponseWriters 可以共享相同的插件加载与初始化代码。这在xml文件中增加了

13. SOLR-225: Enable pluggable highlighting classes.  Allow configurable
    highlighting formatters and Fragmenters.  (ryan)
13. SOLR-225:可插入的高亮显示类变得可用。它允许可配置的高亮格式和分段。

14. SOLR-273/376/452/516: Added hl.maxAnalyzedChars highlighting parameter, defaulting
    to 50k, hl.alternateField, which allows the specification of a backup
    field to use as summary if no keywords are matched, and hl.mergeContiguous,
    which combines fragments if they are adjacent in the source document.
    (klaas, Grant Ingersoll, Koji Sekiguchi via klaas)
14. SOLR-273//376/452/516:添加了hl.maxAnalyzedChars  高亮参数,默认为50k;添加了hl.alternateField,

15. SOLR-291: Control maximum number of documents to cache for any entry
    in the queryResultCache via queryResultMaxDocsCached solrconfig.xml
    entry. (Koji Sekiguchi via yonik)
15. SOLR-291: 通过solrconfig.xml中的queryResultMaxDocsCached元素来为每个
    queryResultCache 元素设置缓存文档最大数目。

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